Utilizing Reiki with OT and PT in Palliative Care and Hospice
Monday, November 25, 2024 7-8:00 pm EST

I’m honored to share Reiki’s healing benefits at the FIRST Joint American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), and the newly formed American Palliative Rehabilitation Alliance (APRA) presentation.
Discover how Reiki, a natural energy healing complementary health modality, can be effectively incorporated within OT and PT palliative care. Reiki is a marvelous modality to ease pain, reduce suffering, and facilitate well-being for both the client and family members.
Receive medical and scientific justification and research supporting the use of Reiki’s integrative health principles. Learn why millions of people use Reiki to facilitate and enhance acceptance and well-being. Uncover the rationale for integrating Reiki into various medical and community-based palliative care and hospice settings.
Discover how to enable palliative care patients and their families to receive comfort and reduce emotional and physical pain while facilitating wellness. Participate in an extensive Q and A period of discovery.
I look forward to sharing my 28 years of Reiki practice including multiple years with palliative care and hospice with this glorious new rehabilitation alliance.
This 30-minute online presentation will be followed by 30 minutes of Q and A. Attendees do NOT need to be members of AOTA or APTA to participate.
Here is the registration link:
Spirituality, Reiki, and Complementary Modalities Within OT
Monday, November 18, 2024
1-3:50 pm EST
Temple University, Dpt. of Occupational Therapy Philadelphia, PA

It is so much FUN talking with OT students about incorporating Spirituality, Reiki, and Complementary Modalities within OT!
Temple University has been extremely supportive of providing students with training in integrative health approaches used in our OT profession.
I am delighted to return to be a guest presenter in Erica Pugh’s class once again.
Please contact Erica Pugh, OTD, OTR/L, RYT 200, Associate Professor if you would like further information. Or, to consider the possibility of attending this delightful in-person class facilitating clarity and support to enable Well-Being for OT clients and ourselves.
Reiki, A Complementary Health Technique Kendal-Crosslands Continuing Care
Retirement Community, Kennett Square, PA
Wednesday, November 13, 3:30-4:30 pm
William Penn Room at Crosslands

I am so excited to return to Kendal-Crosslands Continuing Care Retirement Community to present Reiki, a Complementary Health Technique!
I was the Occupational Therapist at Kendal-Crosslands for multiple years beginning in 1983. To return to this marvelous 500-acre community, which is a national leader in care for the elderly, a certified arboretum, and also a certified natural wildlife habitat will be FANTASTIC!
There are 4 communities associated with Kendal-Crosslands including sister communities Kendal and Crosslands both with about 380 residents, along with Cartmel and Coniston which are communities for people 50 years and older.
Sharing Reiki’s natural energy by describing supportive research, local resources, use with hospice and palliative care, along with having attendees learn a simple technique to increase their own personal energy will be an amazing full circle moment of delight.
Contact Atala Toy, Chair of the Spiritual Life Committee for further information: [email protected]
Sound Healing for Occupational Therapy
Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024
PA Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference

Come join us at the PA Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference being held at Gannon University in Erie, PA on Saturday and Sunday, September 28-29, 2025. Pre-Conference Workshops on Mental Health First Aid and Safe Zone Training are being offered Friday, September 27, 2025.
I’m delighted to present Sound Healing for OT on Saturday, Sept. 28 from 9:10-10:00 am in the Yehl Ballroom at Gannon University.
Discover glorious and proven therapeutic relaxation from multiple sound healing instruments. Learn to incorporate easily played, portable instruments to enhance the well-being of clients of all ages and yourself.
Click here for conference registration: POTA Conference No on-site registration is available.
I hope to see you in Erie soon!
August 29-September 1, 2024 Phoenix, AZ
International Association for Near-Death Studies Conference

Experienced healers are encouraged to contact me if you would like to share your healing skills in exchange for FREE Conference registration at the empowering International Association for Near-Death Studies Annual Conference (! This year’s annual Labor Day event is being held in the Phoenix, AZ area.
Pre-Conference workshops occur on Wednesday, August 28. Healing sessions and the 4 day conference are from Thursday, August 29 through Sunday, September 1, 2024.
I’ve been the IANDS Healing Coordinator since 2019. Healing at conference is a marvelous way to attend this enlightening conference for free based on the number of healing hours provided. Twenty minute 1:1 healing sessions are done in a group setting, with a 10 minute break in-between each healing. Three hour healing time blocks are from 10:30-1:30 and 2:30-5:30 pm Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (Aug 29-Aug 31) and Sunday (Sept 1) from 10:30-1:30 pm.
Near-Death Experiences (NDE) have now been declared a medical event. People experiencing an NDE, when their body appears to physically die, but their consciousness remains and travels to another realm, are transformed eternally. Thousands of research studies validate these experiences.
I would LOVE to talk with you about joining our marvelous 2024 IANDS Circle of Healers! Please email me: [email protected] to set up a time to chat!
Reiki Level I Training
Wednesday, August 28th, 2024 9:00 am-4:30 pm Phoenix, AZ area
International Association for Near-Death Studies Conference

I am honored to present Reiki, A Natural Energy Healing Modality that Enhances After-Death Communication at the International Association for Near-Death Studies Annual Conference for the 4th year in a row.
During this certificate-provided 6.0 contact hour training, your Reiki energy becomes activated. You learn self-healing and how to provide healing energy to family, friends, clients, colleagues, animals, pets, and plants. Multiple experiential sessions where you receive and share Reiki with three different partners 1:1 occur. Your intuitive awareness increases which facilitates enhancement of after-death communication experiences particularly with your deceased loved ones.
This Usui Reiki training is designed for medical professionals and all others. It is approved for 6.0 contact hours by the National Board for Certification of Occupational Therapy. Akamai University has also provided continuing education credit for nurses and medical professionals in the past; the application for this approval is being submitted again.
Please feel free to contact me if I can provide you with further information: [email protected]
LIVE Podcast with Karen Swain
on United Public Radio Network, YouTube, and Facebook
Sunday, April 7, 2024
6:30-8:00 pm EST
How My Brother’s Death Taught Me After-Death Communication and the Power of LOVE

I am totally honored to be speaking with KAren Swain, the amazing Spiritual Teacher, Healer, Medium, and Founder of Deliberate Creation.
Our session will be presented LIVE on a variety of platforms including the United Public Radio Network, YouTube, and Facebook.
It will be delightful to share How My Brother’s Death Taught Me After-Death Communication and the Power of LOVE. My 37 year-old brother David passed on October 1, 1995, and much to my amazement and pleasure, I discovered the ability to communicate with him, even though I had no psychic or spiritual skills at the time.
Contact Karen Swain to receive the link for our upcoming conversation! You can ask and receive answers LIVE!
April 6, 2024
Sound Healing, Reiki, Crystals, Mindfulness, and MORE!

Come join me for a day of Well-Being and Health on Saturday, April 6, 2024, at Elizabethtown College in Elizabethtown, PA. This empowering wellness day is designed for Elizabethtown Occupational Therapy students and fieldwork educators and is sponsored by the college’s OT Department.
I am delighted to provide a Sound Bathing experience that will include ametrine crystal singing bowls, my new 34" Wind Gong, the brand new Bajinn mindful meditative instrument, the vibrational pan drum called The Hang, and Freenotes, the beautifully designed percussion vibrational instrument.
A Reiki and Crystal session will occur in the magical Elizabethtown College "Gem Den," filled with hundreds of energized crystals. It will be great FUN to facilitate Reiki and crystalline energy experiences that easily enhance wellness.
Additional speakers include keynote by Michael Pizzi,, Ph.D., OTR/L, FAOTA, along with Tam Humbert, D.Ed., OTR/L, Terri Dennehy, D.Ed., OTR/L and others speaking about mindfulness, mindful play, and additional well-being topics.
Contact Terri Dennehy, D.Ed., OTR/L, Assistant Professor of OT at Elizabethtown College for further information!
2024 American Occupational Therapy Association INSPIRE Annual Conference – Reiki Training In Person
“Reiki, A Biofield Energy Complementary Health Modality Used with OT”
Reiki Level I and Reiki Level II One Day, Certificate Provided Trainings!
Orlando, Florida USA
Reiki Level I Institute 020: Wednesday, March 20, 2024 (my birthday!)
12:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Rosen Centre, Rosen Salon 4 (NOTE NEW ROOM). Conference Headquarters Hotel.
Reiki Level II (two workshops): Thursday, March 21, 8-11:00 am
(Workshop 110A) and 2:45-5:45 pm (Workshop 110B)
Rosen Centre, Rosen Salon 4 (NOTE NEW ROOM). Conference Headquarters Hotel.

It’s wonderful being accepted again to present both Reiki Level I and Reiki Level II at the AOTA Orlando Florida in-person Annual Conference in 2024. I’m thrilled to be the first person to present Reiki certificate provided courses at in-person AOTA Annual Conferences each year since 2015!
Come receive in-person training in Reiki Level I as a Pre-Conference Institute on Wednesday, March 20 from 12-6:30 pm. Discover how to use Reiki as part of your Occupational Therapy treatment for clients with pain, anxiety, stress, arthritis, hip and shoulder fractures and a variety of musculoskeletal issues. Activate your own healing energy in this one day Reiki training program designed specifically for OT practitioners, educators, and students. Share Reiki with multiple partners in a 1:1 in-person format. Use your Reiki skills immediately with clients following completion of this one day course. Receive a Reiki Level I certificate in Usui Reiki Natural Energy Healing at the completion of this empowering one day training program.
Attend two 3-hour workshops in Reiki Level II provided the day after Reiki Level I. Attendees must have a Reiki Level I certificate to enable attendance at this intermediate Reiki training course. Discover why Reiki works, learn long distance healing, and expand your skills with supplemental complementary modalities that work well with Reiki. Research, documentation, and techniques to provide Reiki in a variety of settings including hospitals, outpatient, rehabilitation centers, skilled nursing facilities, hospice, and pediatrics are explained. Practice giving and receiving Reiki with multiple 1:1 partners. Receive a Reiki Level II Usui Reiki Natural Energy Healing certificate after attending this exciting and validating intermediate Reiki 1-day training program. Must attend both workshops to receive your Reiki Level II certificate.
Experience the magical setting for Reiki training, held in a spa type environment that facilitates our natural energy healing skills.
Praise for Becky's Reiki Workshops

Schedule a Reiki Workshop
Contact Rebecca Austill-Clausen, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA, Reiki Master to arrange a stimulating 1 day Reiki training, certificate-provided online or in-person workshop at your national conference, university program, or holistic site!
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